Tech Forward

Using Artificial Intelligence to Solve Global Environmental Challenges



Hello and welcome back to Tech Forward! On this week’s episode, I spoke with Jennifer Marsman, the Principal Software Engineer of Microsoft’s “AI for Earth” group. Working with the group, she uses data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to aid with clean water, agriculture, biodiversity, and climate change. Jennifer has been recognized as one of the “top 100 most influential individuals in artificial intelligence and machine learning” by Onalytica, reaching the #2 slot in 2018. We discussed the work she has led with AI for Earth, the issue of bias, and her insights about building a welcoming culture in the tech sector. By running a global grant program, developing their own APIs, and funding projects, AI for Earth is, in Jennifer’s words, “a chance to use my passion for machine learning to make a difference.” One such project is FarmBeats, which is interested in sustainable, long-term solutions to maximize yield and, ultimately, reduce world hunger. To do this, they synthesize IoT, drones