Tech Forward

Presenting a More Inclusive Narrative for DC Tech



Hello and welcome back to another episode of Tech Forward! For this week’s episode, I’m thrilled to share my conversation with Jessica Bell. Jessica works as a web developer for the Washington Post, primarily on front end and Javascript projects. She is also highly active in the DC tech community: she’s the Chair of DC ACM, as well as an active member of  DCFemTech and Women Who Code DC. Throughout the year, she helps people learn the basics of coding in web development by teaching at General Assembly. As if all that weren’t enough, she also hosts and produces a podcast, DC Tech Stories, which features local tech workers. We’ll discuss her unique journey into the world of tech, her experience at the Post — which has been recognized for its inclusive engineering team — and how she’s making her mark in the DC tech scene. Jessica came to DC after completing a degree in International Relations from San Francisco State University. After hitting a plateau in self-teaching, she enrolled in the General Assembly bootc