Tech Forward

Creating a Community to Support Women in Tech



Hello listeners, and welcome back to Tech Forward! This week I spoke with Hayley Leibson, founder of the award-winning technology and lifestyle blog, Lady in Tech. Through Lady in Tech, Hayley is dedicated to inspiring women to become technologists and entrepreneurs, and to create a life that they love. As an empathetic technologist and inclusion advocate, Hayley also contributes to Forbes; her column moves millennial women to enter the tech industry and build important products at scale to improve the world. Upon taking her first undergraduate engineering courses, Hayley noticed how few women were in her class — and that none of them planned to pursue a career in technology. “The best way to make a positive impact on the world is through building technology. [...] A lot of what people are doing in tech is looking at the problems in their own lives, and solving them. For populations not well-represented in tech, nobody is looking at how to solve their problems.” With code and algorithms influencing more and