365flicks Podcast

015 Top 5 Jock& Nerd Movies/ Stand-Off Review



The Lads are back in the studio for Episode 15 with some Comic Con News to talk about, Mostly the Batman Vs Superman trailer and the Suicide Squad trailer. We Decided to do a Top 5 tailored to our good friends over at the Jock And Nerd Podcast... A little bit of Emmmy Nominations Talk and round that off with a review of the Movie Stand-Alone (Whole Lotta Sole). Intro And News Round-Up 00.00 - 1.18.00 HOBI and Snake Oil Comics Promos 1.18.00 - 1.19.30 Top 5 Jock/Nerd Movies Plus J&N Promo 1.19.30 - 1.44.48 Emmy Talk 1.44.48 - 1.58.00 Review of Stand-Off 1.58.00 - 2.20.00 Like us on FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/365Flickscom Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/365Flickscom Subscribe to The PodVideos on YouTube http://youtu.be/LFxcHvxPj70?list=PLEuZfOXQhFi4mGstfq979dxUICCnuinTN