Slumberland | An Audio Drama

046 - Shaman



When last was heard about Oskar, he called to complain about a cursed wooden hand puppet that refused to let go of his arm. Now unconscious, and under house arrest, Oskar's friends enlist the help of Thomas Edward M. For more info please contact: slumberland at Written, recorded and performed by Tom Mansell. Veronika Newton-Baum performed by Debra Harrison-Lowe. Philippo performed by David Leavitt. The Shaman performed by Dick Chrisman. The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors hotlavaman, ftpalad, joedeshon, knova, kylepyke, jaylew1987, redcheek, claudius, rodincoil, syntheway, dcsfx, 1san, mwlandi, and Jovica. Thank you for listening to Slumberland!