Slumberland | An Audio Drama

017 - Charon



Putting oral history progress on hold, Thomas responds to a call for computer tech support at Slumberland's community dome. The dome's many features and purposes begin to reveal themselves. For more info please contact: slumberland at Written, recorded and performed by Tom Mansell. Vegan Wildrice and Stig Gorgonsdottir performed by TradeMark G of the Evolution Control Committee. The sound design in this episode owes thanks to Freesound Project contributors earthsounds, j1987, timbre, jesabat, sempoo, swelk, ezwider, elonen, dayvonjersen, unfa, stratcat322, celestino-anthony- vedas, ueffects, avakas, fridobeck, martian, eaglechopper, distanttone, cylon8472, dauser, glaneur-de-sons, zuben, uncelsigmund, digifishmusic, dig2008, sonsdebarcelona, joedeshon, cmusounddesig, corsica-s and 3bagbrew and Jovica. Thank you for listening to Slumberland!