The Inside Winemaking Podcast With Jim Duane

Ep. 122: Michael Terrien - Winemaker and Maine Wild Blueberries



This episode features winemaker Michael Terrien. Michael is on a roadshow to promote the new Adventures excursion opportunities from Obsidian Wine Co. Michael has his hands in many projects from California Pinot noir to Maine wild blueberry sparkling wine and the portfolio of estate wines from Obsidian Ridge in Lake County, CA. I had a great conversation with Michael ranging from the details of making blueberry wine, the partnership that is Obsidian, dynamic pricing for his brand, Becheur, and his uncanny faith in a wine’s capacity to take care of itself. LINKS AND RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Obsidian Wine Co Rosé for the Bay Terrien Wines Kadar Cooperage Bluet - Maine wild blueberry sparkling wine Becheur - Wines with Dynamic Pricing US Grant - Santa Cruz Pinot noir Hanzell Vineyards This podcast is brought you by Wine Compliance Alliance. Winery compliance. Bring it up to winery owners or their staff and you get either a completely blank look or a grimace of some sort. In other wor