The Inside Winemaking Podcast With Jim Duane

Ep. 114: Michael Browne - Cirq and CHEV



This episode features a guru of American Pinot Noir. Founding winemaker at Kosta Browne, and now proprietor and winemaker at Cirq and CHEV, Michael Browne is continuing his craft of building hand-made Pinot Noir, and has written a newly published book documenting his life and wines. We sat down in the middle of a cold and windy vineyard to record our conversation the day before the book released. I enjoyed Michael’s book and the opportunity to sit down and dig further into his stories. LINKS AND RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Pinot Rocks: A Winding Journey through Intense Elegance book by Michael Browne Cirq - Russian River Valley, CA CHEV - Russian River Valley, CA Kosta Browne - Sonoma CA This podcast is brought you by Total Wine. Total Wine is a holiday Wonderland with over 8,000 wines, 3,000 spirits and 2,500 beers all in one place.  Awe-inspiring. But not intimidating. they over deliver on choice, expert help and low prices There’s no better way to get into the holiday spirit than to walk