The Inside Winemaking Podcast With Jim Duane

Ep. 94: Amanda McCrossin - Wine Director Press Restaurant



This episode features Amanda McCrossin who is a sommelier, wine director, and the creator of @sommvivant. As the Wine Director for Press Restaurant in St Helena, Amanda oversees a tremendous list of Napa Valley wines and serves as an ambassador for the wines on offer and the stories of their producers. On top of Amanda’s work at Press she has leveraged her access to the valley’s wineries in order to create one of contemporary wine’s most prominent Youtube channels covering wine basics, in-depth video profiles of wineries, and her professional experiences as a sommelier. My interview with Amanda set out to understand what issues wine consumers are concerned with and the best practices for winemakers to build relationships with sommeliers and wine buyers. Make sure and check out Amanda’s library of work on both her Youtube and Instagram channels. LINKS AND RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Press Restaurant, St Helena, Napa Valley @sommvivant Youtube channel @sommvivant Instagram Food & Wine’s Liqu