The Inside Winemaking Podcast With Jim Duane

Ep. 92: Dr. David Montgomery - Professor and Author



This episode features Dr. David R Montgomery, professor from the University of Washington and author of three books that shine a light on the often-overlooked role of biology underground and the connections and influence these microbia have with plants. David is a professor of geomorphology at the UW and together with his wife, Anne Bicklé, has ventured beyond the inorganic confines of soil science in authoring books and speaking to a wide range of agricultural industries regarding the value of conservation agriculture. i heard David speak at a Napa Valley Grapegrowers seminar earlier this year and wanted to share his research and experience with the Inside Winemaking listeners. LINKS AND RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE David Montgomery and Anne Bicklé’s website Microbial Terrior for Winegrapes journal article from Gilbert et. al. From Tree to Shining Tree podcast from RadioLab This podcast is brought you by 360viti, powered by Fruition Sciences -- You may already know them as the pio