The Inside Winemaking Podcast With Jim Duane

Ep. 72: Thibaut Scholasch - Fruition Sciences



This episode features Thibaut Scholasch, founder and VP of Research and Development for Fruition Sciences.  Our conversation gets deep into the weeds of technical viticulture.  Fruition Sciences provides four technical vineyard services that track novel parameters within grapevines.  Thibaut discusses those services chronologically as they are pertinent during the growing season and describes how viticulturists and winemakers can utilize the data to optimize inputs such as irrigation and Nitrogen fertilization.  Thibaut has also created the Vintage Report seminar that is an annual gathering "connecting terroir and innovation." LINKS AND RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Fruition Sciences  Physiocap Dualex Nitrogen tracking Sap flow Multiplex Color/Anthocyanin tracking Vintage Report This podcast is brought you by Hanna Instruments.  Makers of edge and Halo Wine pH meters, these tools are purpose built for winery environments.  The edge Wine pH meter is rich in features including using digital electrod