The Front By Lead The Team With Host Mike Phillips




Today, on The FRONT the theme is about winning. Not just winning in a competition or competitive environment such as athletics, but winning in business. Winning in business unlike winning in a competition such as sports, or board games, or arm wrestling is not by pushing past an opponent. One vast difference – in a competition, you can gauge a win, because you beat the other team or your opponent by overall score or points. In business, YOU are the competition. What about “winning” on social media? Right now, many people are keeping score on social and they are viewing a win based on their number of followers being the “points” – well let me give you a tip. Followers or social connections aren’t points… they are people. People want to engage, feel important and special. It may be important to connect with one today than to reach one million. An example of a win on social media might be – for me at least – making a positive impact. When someone reaches out to me and says, “Hey, tha