Enneagram For Idiots

The Holy Trinity: Type 3 + 6 and Type 6 + 9 - Episode 43



Intro/Outro: J Roes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfWAxIk4xDw Today we’re wrapping up our compatibility series with the holy trinity - types 3 + 6 and types 6 + 9. Skip to 9:55 minutes to start the episode. In this episode we talk about: What it’s like to be with a 3, 6 and 9 We analyze a relationship thread on Reddit between a 6 + 9 that has gone from monogamous to polyamorous and are now sleeping in separate beds A Redditor says he’s heard 9s are cheaters Marissa shares intimacy tips from the internet Vulnerability in 3, 4 and 8 relationships Enneagram study on compatibility: https://www.9types.com/writeup/enneagram_relationships.php Resources for today’s episode: Helen Palmer’s The Enneagram in Love and Work: Understanding Your Intimate and Business Relationships (most titles of our relationship series are based on Helen Palmer’s titles of the couplings), Enneagram Institute, REDDIT, Drdaviddaniels.com Enneagram conflict resolution styles: http://www.fitzel.ca/enneagram/conflict.html