Enneagram For Idiots

Captain Friendzone (Enneagram Type 2w1) - Episode 29



This week we’re continuing our series on wings with Enneagram Type 2w1 aka the altruist aka the servant aka seeking love and rightness aka Jorah Mormont aka Captain Friendzone aka protector of Khaleesi Tara gives a lesson on relaxing your butthole We owe you chicken wings and sauce We’re ONEdering… are you looking down on your nose to people 2w1s? Are you dressed a little bit more formal? Email us anything, we love to learn about you, you're kind of cool and when you're wigging out you're the worst parts of us When you’re saying ‘no no no no no’ to a 2w1, you’re really saying ‘yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah’ Resources: Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for Self-Discovery, Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram, Structural Enneagram, 16 Types, Enneagrampaths *a few more to be added to this list next week.