Enneagram For Idiots

Hot Sauce + Cool Ranch (Enneagram Type 9w8) - Episode 19



Today we're talking about 9w8, The "Comfort Seeker", aka Tara's grandma aka Janet Jackson aka a security guard riding a bicycle on a beautiful day We have named each wing subtype a chicken wing sauce, open to suggestions This is the cutest 9 couple you'll ever see in your life Who's in Vegas and wants to hang out with Marissa and her grandparents? One time Tara's grandma parked in a Tim Horton's drive-thru 9s, read up on your emotional shit storm in the iceberg model 9w8's: do you have a power body? How big are your hands? You intuitive? You got spidey senses? You more sociable? How about funny and a little rough around those edges? What do you do for your profession 9w8's?