Enneagram For Idiots

Obama? (Enneagram Type 9w1) - Episode 18



Today we start a new series on WINGS, kicking off with 9w1 Russ Hudson says become subjective towards others and objective towards ourselves. Good luck. Your core type never changes - check out this Iceberg Theory Model to look at the 9 We figured out EVERYTHING about wings 9w1's we have many questions. Are you a good friend, a good therapist? Do you ever argue? Do you referee? Do you mediate!? Do you say "happy wife happy life"? Do you have slow hand gestures? What's your sex life like 9w1s? We can keep SECRETS. What number is Tyler the Medium Marissa learns about spilling the tea Queen Elizabeth the 2nd is a 9w1 and here she is in her green suit scolding her grandson.