Enneagram For Idiots

Ted's House (Enneagram Type 5) - Episode 17



Today we're talking about Type 5s, the investigators, observers, the ones who speak in soliloquy We researched a lot of celebrities for today's episode We talked about Kanye, his new album, bipolar disorder and mental health Resources for today include: Deep Living, The Complete Enneagram, Richard Rohr, Stackings, The Tao of Feeling, A Course in Miracles What is your Enneagram animal? Who's walking in on your privacy today? We'll get 'em Ted Kaczynski's 35,000-word Manifesto A chart that mentions how Enneagram 7s have trouble with detachment at type 5 Fives: we hope you enjoy our instructions on how to leave your door open We're on Patreon!