Enneagram For Idiots

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (Type 1s) - Episode 10



Type 1: - Not a piranha - Judge Judy, Mary Poppins, Martin Luther King, Ghandi - Good desk organizers - because let's be honest, the desk, ideally, in the perfect world, should be more organized - Good teachers and list makers - Your input IS NOT CALLED FOR Watch a panel of type 1s talk about trying to hold their anger in like a ball under water This guy says Elsa from Frozen is a type 1 Do you laugh loud when you're drunk? We made it through some of the instinct stackings, more about those here In Canada, we snow plough lawns Martha Stewart has zero patience with messy children who have no moral code If there's one thing you do today, block us on the internet