Smarter Event Planning

"Don't Fear The Future!" says Diana Brandl



Episode 2 of Season 3 of Smarter Event Planning Podcast:    "Don't Fear The Future!" says Diana Brandl   "... exactly why our job will continue in the future. Because we are the emotionally intelligent leaders. And no Alexa can do that, no Siri can do that—they can’t see if the boss got up on the wrong side of the bed and is having a bad day. They can’t judge these situations properly."    Diana Brandl holds a Degree in International Administration and Management, specializing in Office Management.    Throughout her career, she has worked successfully for C-Level Executives within global corporations such as Sony.    Diana has a strong background in Communications and is a dynamic networker. She joined the professional network IMA (International Management Assistants) in 2006, and is an active member proudly looking back at her involvement as Board Member and Chair of Regional Group of IMA Berlin.    She continuously supports the role of the management assistant by speaking at international events and publish