4 Color Flashback: The Superhero Re-watch

Green Lantern! The Post Watch Part 1!



Marvel vs DC continues. Battle 4 Green Lantern Versus Thor! This week: Green Lantern! The Post Watch! Part 1! Write to us at 4colorflashback@gmail.com Music: www.bensound.com Bonus! More Cainim notes! Act 1  In which a sexy arrogant guy that plays by his own rules and has daddy issues runs afoul of the government  and gains a cool new piece of hardware. His name Tony Stark, I mean Hal Jordan.   Act 2 In which the Star Wars Cantina Aliens get take Hal thru a Training Montage and although he’s rolled with everything so far sort of quits.  Meanwhile a balding expert inexperienced xenobioligt who looks older than his, who he has issues with, gets more than he bargains he with as he directs the Greatest Green Lantern ever.   Act 3 In which Hector explore his new powers, creating a helicopter ruckus at Andy Dufresne’s big party and hey look some exposition about Parralax.   Act 4 In which Hal accepts his destiny, as he battles his old friend Hector, wait what they were old friends? Oh well and he solves things with