4 Color Flashback: The Superhero Re-watch

Judge Dredd! The Post Watch



Welcome to the show! This week: Judge Dredd! The Post Watch! An episode of revelations this week on 4 Color Flashback! John reveals one of his favorite musical artists. Cainim Reveals he is the last Jedi and Karen shares the lyrics to the X-Files theme! And somewhere in there they discuss Sylvester Stallone's Judge Dredd! And it's a pleasant surprise! And a tribute to Bill Paxton. Music: www.bensound.com Here's an outline to follow along with us: Comic Book Covers! The Cursed Earth-Wait Rob Schneider as Turd Ferguson? he Casual rioting of a Republican congressionperson town hall Hershey and Bristol on the Corner of Abbot and Costello I yam the law Diane Lane? Block Wars discussed by the United Cursed Earth Council Let's meet this weeks villain Professor Dredd The streets of Mega City 1-Down at the pawn shop. The 4th Estate The trial of the 3rd Millennium The Janus Project Snoopin in the Gender Neutral Bathroom! Ferguson and Dredd Go on a field trip.. Prisoners of the Cursed Earthbilly Prophets Chief Justice y