4 Color Flashback: The Superhero Re-watch

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III The Post Watch!(Part 1 of 1)



The 4 Color Flashback Team Confront a bit of surprise: They didn't hate this movie! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III The Post Watch Also this week: An out of context reference or 3 to Baltimora!  Please forgive us for mispronounced names! Blazing Saddles! Dom DeLuise! Shrek! Pop Culture! Paige Turco and Elias Koteas and Secret Elias Koteas(Cainim had no idea). Turtle development! Next Week X-Men 2 Trivia AND X2 X-Men United Pre Watch! with Ben! and Wolverine! Write to us at 4colorflashback@gmail.com