Peer Assisted Learning (pal) Groups Podcast: College Group Tutoring And Study Review Groups

Leader Identity Emergence, Part Two of Two



S04-E05 We continue our brief overviews of publications about leader identity emergence by the study session leaders. The narration of the publication overview will be by members of my synthetic voice family. I hope that the interaction that occurs will make the listening more enjoyable. Due to the length of this particular bibliography, it will be spread out over two episodes. In addition to this audio episode, I also previously provided a PDF copy of the topical bibliography. You can see the other topical bibliographies as well as the master copy on my web site. A shortcut web link is This podcast is available through the following podcast directories and apps: iTunes, Libsyn, Google Play Music,,, TuneIn, Stitcher, Spotify, PlayerFM, Overcast, Pocket Casts, iCatcher, iHeartRadio, RSSRadio, and Castamatic. It is available through the following websites:, David Arendale’s LinkedIn web page, and David ‘s Twitter feed @