How Success Is Made

How to Manage Your Money Like the Rich



Money management does not have to be complicated. With these simple ideas, you will also be able to manage your money like the rich. I learned this method from the book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T Harv Eker. After reading his book, I started to realize that as I read other books by wealthy people there was a big correlation with what millionaires do with their money, and how easy it would be for you to manage your money like the rich. For more in-depth information, I highly recommend the book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind". There is a link below if you would like to read the book. It is an insanely life-changing read. It saved me financially, and a lot of my friends. Hopefully, this video and the book will help you manage your money like the rich, so you too can step one step closer to freedom. Liked this podcast? Please subscribe! Feel that someone could benefit? Please share! Comments or questions? Please leave one! ♦︎♢♦︎ RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE PODCAST ♦︎♢♦︎ Secrets of the Millionaire M