Haunting The Globe

Motel 6 Feet Under: Making an Impact with Chainsaw-Free Haunting



While Haunted Attractions can give folks a little fright, the idea of being completely vulnerable terrifies most people. From public speaking to even sharing an idea with colleagues, vulnerability shapes our lives for better or worse. Nestled in the resort district of Anaheim, California lies Motel 6 Feet Under – the product of a family who dared to be vulnerable.Carolyn Carpenter, with the support of her family, quit her full-time job to bring Motel 6 Feet Under and her nonprofit ‘BOO’ to life 2 years ago. In a world of chainsaws and extremists, Carolyn’s family sought not only to bring retro back but to have the haunt aid in providing business services and occupational opportunities to underserved adults. Carolyn’s dare to be vulnerable has brought something great into the world and we stopped by this ‘Chainsaw-Free’ haunt to get the updates on year two.