Just Drifting

Three Ladybirds Outside Ebbing, Missouri



It's a rare episode where Danny and Dave get to talk about a movie they've both seen recently, and it's even rarer when they get to talk about two. After a brief discussion of Eli's benching (pre-week 13, before McAdoo got sack-Adoo'ed), the guys discuss two sure-fire Oscar contenders: Ladybird and Three Billboards outside Ebbing, Missouri. They don't exactly agree on which comes out on top. Follow Dave and Danny on Twitter @davecento and @mrdaniellemmen. Write to the show at justdriftingpod@gmail.com. Be sure to check in next week! In the Christmas spirit, Dave will be recording from inside a chimney (great acoustics!) and Danny will be sorting children into performance categories based on the past year.