Mom At 41 With Dr. Karen Osburn

62: How To Stop Shoulding All Over Yourself



Do you think you ‘should’ do certain things that you are just not doing?  That there is a way you ‘should’ be as a Mom? In this Episode I’m sharing:  the common Shoulds a lot of us feel as Moms WHY you need to let these go some NEW Shoulds I would encourage you to use instead Momma Action Step Sit down, pen and paper/journal, and create a list of HOW you want to be as a parent, work, and live your life. Create a healthier list of shoulds.  Take just 30 minutes to do this very powerful exercise, and then post it where you can see it a a reminer each day. Love of the Week: Twitter “Just discovered your podcast -love the how to have more energy one!”-Stella at Smart Thinking Mums Thanks so much Stella, and I so appreciate the love!   Stella refers to the BONUS Holiday Episode #1: How to Have More Energy in the Episode Series of the Top 7 Tips to Decrease Holiday Stress for Moms. You can catch up on all 7 of these episodes here! Real Momma Quote “Maybe stories are just data with a soul.”-Brene Brown NEW) Kick A