Mom At 41 With Dr. Karen Osburn

Holiday BONUS #3: How to Let Go of the Guilt



Can we really do it all? Why do we think we need to do it all maintain a certain image? Why do we feel gulity when we can’t achieve the impossible? Where does this come from? In this third Bonus Holiday Episode of the Top 7 Tips to Decrease Holiday Stress for Moms, I’m giving you some great tools to help you Let Go of the Guilt! In this Episode I’m sharing:  why you need to create a Stop Doing List (and what I’m putting on mine for the Holidays) the link for the recent Webinar Replay (see below) a FREE gift you can get today! Momma Action Step 1. Subscribe to the Mom at 41 Newsletter here to receive the downloadable Tips to Manage Holiday Stress Guide that will be sent out on Dec 4th.   2.Create a Stop Doing List. Draw a line in the sand-what will you accept or tolerate in your life? What will you not?   What doesn’t feel good to do anymore? (NEW) Kick Ass Tweetables to Share!     To-do list? Heck no! I’m creating a Stop-Doing List instead. Will you join me? #Momat41  CLICK TO TWEET     Learn how to Let