Mom At 41 With Dr. Karen Osburn

56: Why Parenthood is Never the Same Story With Momentity Founder Nicole Carpenter



How easy is it for Moms to lose their identity?  In this Episode Nicole and I discuss: the silent epidemic of unhappy Moms that you can’t forget your dreams because thye’re part of your soul the moment she crashed and realized that she no longer loved herself in her life why it’s important to apologize to your kids that Balance comes in Cycles and look a lot more like a Roller Coaster Love of the Week: Stitcher Review “I’m always surprised by how real this show gets. Dr. Karen gives so much of herself and encourages her guests to share such beautiful stories about the wonderful and not so wonderful side of mothering that we all can relate too. She is lowering the veil on being a mom and proudly proclaiming that it is not only OK to be an imperfect mom (Shocker!) but she wears that imperfection with pride and encourages us all to live life authentically! Thanks Dr. Karen and keep it up!”-smeek It is so helpful to know that the message of Mom at 41 is reaching others-I so appreciate your review, smeek-thank y