Birthing Of Giants With Lewis Schiff

Birthing of Giants with Lewis Schiff #2: Why David Long Went Back Into Startup Mode After 28 Years



When David Long - CEO/founder of MyEmployees and Star Culture - became a fellow at our Birthing of Giants program this spring, he had one new risk on his mind. His company, known primarily for producing employee recognition plaques, had recently expanded to offer engagement survey software. David realized this required a big change to how they sold, but he wasn’t sure what the change should be. “We wanted to combine [our offerings] because in our minds, they are the exact same thing,” he told me. “But they are done differently. They are sold differently. It’s like oil and water—they’re not mixing. And that has been the frustrating thing. So we’re […] going to split the company into two,” he said. For more, listen to the podcast!  For more information on the Birthing of Giants Fellowship program, click here to visit the program's website.