Curious With Calvin Wayman

Ep201-Takeaways from my Recalibration in Chandler, AZ



How do you find the answer to the question, “what’s next?”   You can go to Google.   You can read a book.   You can take a psychedelic drug.   I’ve done all 3, and more. ;)   But one of my favorite methods to getting answers to life’s bigger questions is by first getting connected (or rather, “reconnected”) to myself, and then asking questions from there.   And often times the best way to reconnect, is to unplug.   On today’s Fan Question Friday, I’m in Chandler AZ and I’m at the tail-end of something I call a “recalibration”—it’s where I unplug and disconnect from everything else in my life (no text messages, phone calls, emails, social media, etc.) so I can get centered and reconnected with myself.   I share some of the takeaways I got from this time around. I hope it helps. Enjoy! :)   #StayCurious