Modern Manhood: The Podcast

"Life of a Gay Muslim Man" with Gianmarco Visconti



Gianmarco Visconti is a feminist gay young muslim poet who is one of the host and producers of the feminist talk radio Adament Eve. And I asked him from a recommendation to come to Modern Manhood to talk about his stories of his wrestling identity of being Muslim, to his life as a gay man, and how his name represents a small mask but something that he has embraced. Listening back to this episode, I kept coming back to this phrase of multiple identities, and how we can inhabit them, and also to think about what life is like for a gay muslim, which in itself sounds like rebellion in a homophobic and islamaphobic society.  If you want to check out Adament Eve, it’s airing on CJSR 88.5 in Edmonton on Fridays from 5:30pm to 6pm. If you want to go to see Doug Hoyer on March 17th, use the code APNROCKS to get 5 dollars off.