Modern Manhood: The Podcast

Ep 48: "What the F*** is Normal?" - Sex and Technology w/ Bryony Cole



Bryony Cole is leading the way, along with the many women of sex tech, in trying to understand what could be the healthy, and amazing future of sex, and how technology can be used to provide empathy, compassion, love, and positive interaction. She also cares a lot about how men are using these new technologies, and how pornography is being used in the day to day world. We got to chatting about dating apps, pornography, VR, sex education, among many other things. Check out the Future of Sex podcast anywhere you find good podcasts. If you’re in Australia, on March 23-25 there will be a Hackathon where you can help design, create and build the Future of Sex! You can find all that information if you go to I’ll also put that up in the show notes.