Hungry Cliff Podcast

87: Cat Shaq



Water covers Rock, Rock cuts through water, and nothing breaks Rock. This week on the Hungry Cliff podcast, the team is joined again by Tony's mom and sister. It's time for another round of taste testing, and everyone is delighted to learn that there are no Oreos involved (although there is a surprising amount of punching). In a desperate attempt to clear our show notes backlog, we finally manage to talk about some current releases. Who enjoyed San Andreas? Who cried during Inside Out? Who hasn't seen any movies recently, voiding his or her ability to participate in the discussion at all? Find out on this episode of the Hungry Cliff podcast! Spoiler Alert for the movies we discuss. Special thanks to Tom Vasel of The Dice Tower for making our little Pedro so happy. Long live Chuck the Die!   Links: Interstates in Hawaii Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn Shaq Fu Punch Robert Rothschild Farm Cinnamon Honey Dipping Pretzels Pedro names Chuck the Die (49:38) Inside Out San Andreas   Don't forget you can support Hungry Clif