Ku Body Podcast: Hawaii's Health And Fitness

043: Be a Good Ancestor



“What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.” - Sean Fitzpatrick, Former All Blacks Captain   I stood on an open grassy field in nuuanu valley along with other students during a course in lua, The ancient Hawaiian martial art.  No one was there except for our olohe and a few members of the group.   We were learning a haʻa where we transformed ourselves and took on the characteristics of Kamapuaʻa, the boar demigod.  Over and over, we practiced, pounding our chests, hitting are arms, stomping the ground. Over and over, but still our olohe and the rest of senior members were not satisfied.   As we stood in the middle of that field dripping in sweat and feeling the lingering sting on our bodies, one of the leaders walked up to us and told, “Look forward, what do you see?” I looked forward and saw the same group of guys who were telling me that what we were doing wasn’t good enough and I was beginning to get frustrated.  The leader continued, “In