Ku Body Podcast: Hawaii's Health And Fitness

028: Emphasize on Building a Stronger Body



On this Single-Tasking Friday, we focus on Why we Emphasize on building a stronger body, or what we call a Kū body.  But instead of looking at what exercise can help prevent, focus on what exercise can actually help build up.  Those who make fitness as a part of who they are and not some burden they feel like that HAVE to do, they sleep better, able to burn more fat, increase their confidence and mood, energy levels increase, and they even enhance their sex drive among other things. Approach fitness and strength with those things in mind and you'll be able to build the strongest version of yourself.   Contact us to tell Aipa what you thought about today's show.  You can reach us at info@thekuproject.com with your feedback and questions. Also, connect with Aipa at:www.twitter.com/thekuprojectwww.facebook.com/theaipaprojectwww.instagram.com/theaipaproject