Ku Body Podcast: Hawaii's Health And Fitness

020: 4 Keys to Self Confidence



You have something to unique and genuine to offer this world but what could be holding your back is your confidence.  You need to learn how to be Kū in who you are.  Like we say at TKP, Be You, Be Kū. Comparing yourself with others and searching for approval is a surefire way to make you feel lesser of yourself and bring self doubt into your world.  By focusing on these 4 Keys to Building Self Confidence you can begin your journey towards become Kū and living the life you deserve full of strength. Contact us to tell Aipa what you thought about today's show.  You can reach us at info@thekuproject.com with your feedback and questions. Also, connect with Aipa at:www.twitter.com/theaipaprojectwww.facebook.com/theaipaprojectwww.instagram.com/theaipaproject