Cornerstone Prep

Prepcast Episode 47 - "Walks with Dad"



“My father was the person that prepared me most for his death.” When Ari – a sophomore at Cornerstone – shared that with me a few months ago, I was genuinely at a loss for words. We spend our lives brushing past each other in the halls, at church, or in the grocery store. But everyone has a story, some wisdom, or a piece of encouragement to share. In our fast paced, impatient world, we would all do well to take a moment to pause long enough to listen. God may just be trying to tell us something. A knock caused my attention to shift to the door. It was Ari, smiling, politely peeking in asking if it was a “bad time?” He wanted to speak in morning devotions and popped by to share what God put on his heart and ask how he could set that up. That one meeting turned into another. And then another… Our time morphed into chats where Ari shared thoughts and stories from a wide range of topics about life, the Bible, the world of teenagers, the internet, COVID and, perhaps most significantly, the lasting influenc