Dealing With Phillip

Ep. 15- The "R" Word



DISCLAIMER: The cast of Dealing With Phillip are not mental health professionals. If you, or anyone you know, are having suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1 (800) 273-8255 or text “go” to 741-741 to the Crisis Text Line. You are not alone. Many in this world love you, (including the members of this podcast). Feel free to share this episode with anybody. It's PG for a reason. In this episode: Andrew and Joe discuss the “R” word and how it is harmful to use mental disabilities as shorthand for negative traits. Sorry this is late. Phillip struck again! If you want to support Dealing with Phillip, please subscribe to us on itunes, soundcloud, and pretty much all the podcatchers out there. Please give us feedback so we can see what we are doing right and wrong. We'd really appreciate 4 or 5 star reviews. If you want to support DWP and the other Word Salad Productions podcasts (Quote Unquote Guilty, The Countdown, and CadaverCast), please go to