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Episode #060 The Moment I Saw A Pelican Devour - Paige Lewis



Connor and Jack explore this poem by Paige Lewis, author of the forthcoming (and hotly anticipated) collection Space Struck, which will publish in October 2019. They explore some of the poem's "zinger" lines, and entangle themselves in its intoxicating web of religion, labor history, medicine, and (insidious?) miracles. Read the poem below. Preorder Space Struck: More about Paige Lewis, here: Find us on facebook at: 
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 You can always send us an e-mail with thoughts on this or any of our previous podcasts, as well as suggestions for future shows, at The Moment I Saw a Pelican Devour a seagull—wings swallow wings—I learned that a miracle is anything that God forgot to forbid. So when you tell me that saints are splintered into bone bits smaller than the freckles on your wrist and that each speck is so