Insight Edge

Careers: what does the leader of tomorrow look like? You?



What does the leader of tomorrow look like? We talk to leadership recruitment specialist, Tony Simpson about the lessons all leaders can learn from disruption in the media industry. What skills are transferable from old world leadership to leading challenger brands like Vice and Buzzed? And what skills once valued may now count against you? We learn that there is a shortage of appropriate leaders as challenger brands become large multimillion (and multibillion) dollar companies; that soft skills matter more than ever as leaders of the future prioritise emotional intelligence and consensual leadership styles. We hear companies are looking for leaders who are willing to take risks, to take responsibility for and to learn from failure; and that diversity is as important in the leadership team as it is across the company, if the business is to reflect ethos and the values of the products they are creating and the customer the must reach. Finally we hear that leadership skill is no longer heavily industry depende