Google Partners

#33 - Innovation in Action, with Michelle Greenwald



Big or small, regardless of industry or sector, most if not all organizations would say that they’re interested in innovation. But what does that actually mean, and how can individuals and companies innovate in ways that create value? Can we take a vague, overworked buzzword like innovation and make it practical? Enter Michelle Greenwald, CEO of Inventours. She has transformed herself and her career by making innovation more than just something to talk about. Now she shares strategically tactical steps, personal experiences, and driving attitudes for embracing innovation as a priority and a daily practice. Guest - Michelle Greenwald, CEO of Inventours Michelle Greenwald founded DigitalLatest, a summit designed to help executives understand the evolving digital marketing landscape. She runs insight-generating “innovation days” for blue chip clients. And she is steeped in marketing, having been SVP of New Products at Disney, VP & GM at Pepsi-Cola, Business Director at Nestlé and, prior to that, an account ex