Raven On Podcast

Who's Raven On | Ascension of the Cybermen



Nat & Stu are back, with Nat uncomfortably keen to update everybody on her health, leading to a wild Inception-style tangent stack into June Dally-Watkins, 90s-era deportment courses and egregious hormone use on teenage girls. Eventually they crack open this week's Doctor Who episode, which starts with the Doctor conveniently parking the TARDIS far enough away to allow PLOT to occur. Nat & Stu still aren't entirely sure of what the Lone Cyberman's plans/goals are, but admit they're mostly enjoying trying to figure it out. The most fun is had discussing the "Brendan" flashback subplot, which very much proves writer Chris Chibnall has a *thing* for throwing young men off cliffs. We're just sayin.' Thanks for listening, and enjoy!