Raven On Podcast

Raven On S7E5 Podcast



Stop. For Nat & Stu, it's Hammer Time. Yes, a beloved long-missed character makes his return in this eventful episode that somehow managed to not have a big event. But there was the fall out from the loot train battle of last episode, and the promise of exciting wild men adventures next episode. In between, there was discord at Winterfell, Jaime and Cersei celebrating a little lion in the oven (or is it a fake news pregnancy?), Sam getting shirty at being ignored by the Maesters and not realising it when he does the very same to Gilly, Jorah returning to Dany only to shove off again, Jon being hunky and touching a dragon, and Davos being an all-around top bloke and witty raconteur. You'll be pleased to know Natalie keeps her lengthy divergent ramblings to a minimum this week because there's just so gosh darn much to get through. Enjoy!