Raven On Podcast

Raven On S7E1 Recap



IT'S FINALLY HERE! Season Seven has arrived, and Stu and Nat couldn't be more excited if you plonked a stark naked Jon Snow in front of them. Well, in front of Nat anyway. This is a fresh, piping Hot Pie podcast served basically unedited to ensure it gets in your earholes fast and furiously, so excuse any errors (and a random Shakespeare soliloquy). Our intrepid hosts discuss Arya's FEROCIOUS FREY FRENZY; Cersei's GIANT WAR ROOM FLOOR MAP; Euron's PROPOSAL; Jon, Sansa and their TOTALLY FINE RELATIONSHIP; the sexfulness that is TORMIENNE, Dany's Dragonstone-coming; and SO MUCH MORE. Gods, it's good to be back. Valar Morghulis!