Raven On Podcast

Raven On S5 Recap



With S7 now just two weeks away, Natalie and Stu are into the home stretch of season recaps. This week it's Season 5, famous for a little thing called THE FOUL AND UNJUST MURDER OF JON SNOW. Oh yeah... um... spoilers? Join our intrepid Westerosi correspondents and catch up on all the hard-hitting highs and home truths of Hardhome, more best made plans gang agley for Cersei, the Dorne Bros and their pointless (?) storyline, Arya in Braavos, Tyrion and Jorah trying to cosy up to Dany, the return of Drogon - plus a fairly serious chat about THAT Sansa/Ramsay sequence. Along the way there's talk of trivia competitions, Australian cliches, and something called "Thrones and the City"?