Raven On Podcast

Raven On S2 Recap



Join Nat & Stu as they kick off a discussion about Season 2, sometimes forgotten, but always awesome. There's talk of Jaqen H'ghar and Arya's deathly deal, Jon Snow's adventures north of The Wall, the Battle of Blackwater Bay, Melisandre's shadow baby, Robb Stark's seemingly so positive war record, Dany's dreary-ish story arc, and for some reason, a deep dive into what Qarth must be like these days. Thanks to all of you who subscribe to the Patreon account for the Raven On recaps. The recaps will be published free, but your support helps makes them - and bonus content like these podcasts - happen. You can find out more about the Patreon and why you should consider paying just $1 per episode over at www.patreon.com/girlclumsy. Love your work, kittens!