Fredericks Mind Thing

What Do You Do With A Kook?



Trump, God and guns: if they love them, you can't reason with them.     Overthrow the president.         What do you do with kooks? Snakes.       How minds work.        The Unpersuadables. Talking with Trumpers is like talking with fundamentalist Christians. Summary of Lies.         Russia is Finally Russian.        Trump Russia activity.  No Russia, no nothing.        "I don't know my conclusion." #@%^$&* Idiot.      Magic Phrases.      Let's Obstruct Justice. Beef Folks and Ridiculous Farmers.     So Calm. Mean Things.      Treason.      Bob Mueller and the 18 Killers. Farmers, Do The Right Thing!         Demean Congressman Green. Just Wait It Works Out.     Audio clips from CBSN, MSNBC, NBC News, C-Span, ABC