Earbuds And Earworms

#117: 808 Grab Bag



It is the end of the year and since not all songs can go into a theme, this is a random selection of songs on our minds. In recent tradition, Amy remembers some vague music thing and Mitchell, without exasperation, finally clears up scales, circle of fifths, what is an 808, and the natural seventh. Enjoy this winding journey to finish out 2018.   Voicemail: 731-400-BUDS(2837) Email: eandepod@gmail.com   Translated Lyrics   Music: Night Verses - Copper Wasp Metal Church - Damned If You Do Tessa Violet - Bad Ideas Male Gaze - The Shining Path Von Wegen Lisbeth - Wenn Du Tanzt Terminus - Down to the Wire (Fortune Looming) Arriane - Komm, Sűsser Tod Joywave - Anemone Animal Bag - Everybody Phosphorescent - C’est La Vie No. 2 Negative Gemini - You Weren’t There Anymore Alyssa Moore - In the Pool