Earbuds And Earworms

#107: Bees in the Collective Bonnet



Some stuff has been going down in politics for a couple of years that ranckles quite a few of us, but generally the show has not gotten overtly political. So, this week, we decided to give up the charade and go super political with an episode about political songs. Mitchell and Amy don’t hide their political views, so yeah, something you may not agree with won’t be excluded. Buckle in and let’s get political.   Music: The Honey Dippers - Impeach the President The Long Winters - Make America Great Again Husker Du - Divide and Conquer Randy Newman - Great Nations of Europe Risky Whispers - Endangered Species Sleater Kinney - Combat Rock The Mice - Not Proud of the USA Cosby Stills Nash & Young - Ohio Young Statues - True Liberty Shoji Meguro - Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There Simon & Garfunkel - Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream